Root Android instructions I will share now is not too different with other similar rooting procedure I previously posted regarding how to root Samsung Galaxy with or without computer. But in case you don't know how to root your Samsung Infinite SCH-I759 without or with PC, then you will find the complete rooting tutorials from here.
Remember. The rooting Samsung Galaxy Infinite SCH-I759 tutorials shared here has been tested and work 100%, but you are recommended to follow them attentively so you will find no error. And if you experience any technical issues during or after rooting process. Then the risks are yours to bear.
The easiest way to rot Samsung galaxy infinite sch-i759 without PC, and with computer are here for you to follow, okey?
Remember. The rooting Samsung Galaxy Infinite SCH-I759 tutorials shared here has been tested and work 100%, but you are recommended to follow them attentively so you will find no error. And if you experience any technical issues during or after rooting process. Then the risks are yours to bear.
The easiest way to rot Samsung galaxy infinite sch-i759 without PC, and with computer are here for you to follow, okey?
- Your battery life should be at least 60%.
- Have enabled USB debugging mode on your Samsung Galaxy Infinite SCH-i759, do so by launching Settings - > Developer Option > And then check the USB debugging mode.
- Now install the Samsung USB Driver on PC.
- Install vRoot app on PC (6.49mb).
- Open vRoot app you have previously installed.
- Now connect your Samsung Galaxy Infinite to computer using USB cable.
- Now wait till the vRoot finished detecting your Android smartphone.
- If a notification appears, just ignore it, guys.
- Once your phone is detected by vRoot, just click the Root button on the down right side.
- Now wait till the whole process finished, and if it's done then your smartphone will reboot.
- Take off the data cable from your computer if it's done.
- After your smartphone has finished rebooting and on again, check on your main menu to see whether the SuperSU has been installed and displayed. If the app is available that means the rooting process has successfully done.
- Delete the new app entered from vRoot on your Samsung Galaxy Infinite that come with Chinese language. And if you wish to unroot your smartphone just select the Unroot menu via vRoot.
- Root Master 1.3.6_Cekas.apk here (2.86MB) and then install it on your Samsung Galaxy Infinite and then run it.
- Select Mulai Root.
- And then choose Root.
- But if you find a notification like in the following picture, you better select Batal.
- Rooting process will start running, after the process done then manually reboot your Samsung Galaxy Infinite. If the your smartphone is on again, please check your smartphone menu to see whether an icon namely Perizinan Rumah Tangga is there? If that's so, your phone was successfully rooted.
- Once you have successfully rooted your Root Samsung Galaxy Infinite SCH-i759 , then you can delete its Root Master.
- To unroot; then you can simply launch Perizinan Rumah Tangga > Setup > Hak akses root is gone > Bersihkan.
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